Sunday, November 30, 2014

Conversations with Students

Every Sunday night, I participate in the the #CaEdChat on Twitter.  Last week, I was challenged to blog more and tonight, I was reminded of that challenge.  So, here I go =)

After a relaxing week off, I have been reflecting on what I need to improve on in the next couple weeks before our next break.  Every year, I want to get better at talking to my students about the content and assessing their knowledge on a day to day basis.  I do this periodically and I love the conversations I have, but I don't think I try hard enough to have these conversations daily.  So, my goal is to talk to every student every day for the next three weeks.

In my last blog, I explained my unit sheet.  I'm still using those and will be starting a new one tomorrow for our DNA Unit.  So, the students will have the list of assignments and the order in which they need to complete those assignments.  I will now carry a roster sheet w/ every assignment that should be completed in the next three weeks.  Every day I will talk to the students and mark off the assignments they have completed.

In addition to talking to my science students, I want to make sure that I talk to my mentor group everyday.  My mentor group is my zero period class and I generally talk to them quickly once a week, but at this point of the school year, I think I need to expand and increase those conversations.

So here's my plan:

Talk to my science students about:
1. Their progress through the unit.
2. Their understanding of the main concepts in the unit.
3. How the concepts are connected

Mentor Group conversations:
1. Grade point averages and increasing grades
2. Task completion (vouchers received from classes)
3. Behavior

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